Monday, August 25, 2008

Coast to Coast Update

When last I updated this blog, I spoke about losing my cousin Scott unexpectedly. That was Tuesday around 11am. The next morning I was on a plane to New Jersey with my father for the funeral and to sit shivah with my aunt and cousin. Naturally because of my cancer I was worried about the effect a long distance plane trip would have on me. Fortunately, I was able to get through it for the most part, with the exception of when we arrived in St Louis on a layover and I had to walk around to find something to eat (St Louis is a horrid airport. I hope to never go through there again) and ended up taking half a vycodyn for the next leg of our trip. It was quite wonderful to see my family, although the occasion was a hard one. By far the best experience for me was to spend time with my father, hear him tell stories about his childhood and family, and to connect with him on a deeper level then I have been able to do before. That alone was well worth the trip.

After flying back and spending two nights at home, once again I hit the road, this time for my stepfather's 80th birthday celebration in San Francisco. This was a hard weekend for me healthwise because I really felt tired and couldn't really take advantage of the beautiful weather we had. I spent most of the time in the hotel room sleeping. The times I did spend with my family were wonderful, particularly Friday evening when we went over to David and Maggie's house for dinner. I really enjoy seeing them and being able to have our family together.

I know I am being general in terms of the details of the trips. Truly there is so much to say and so many emotions I felt spending time with both of my families. I am extremely lucky to have two groups of family who I love so much.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12 Update

My beloved cousin Scott Yates passed away last night from a heart attack. Scott and I were so similar it was like looking into a mirror; almost uncomfortable. We had a kind of mind meld that we both appreciated. I called him 'my brother from another mother.' I love him so much and I am incredibly sad he is gone.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Post Chemo Update Monday August 4th

I feel good, generally speaking. Much better then the previous attempts where I was getting sick almost as soon as I was finished. I did receive steroids as well as valium through the IV so that made a difference.

I'll post more later.