Sunday, March 14, 2010

Update March 14 2010

I'm in a good, positive place today. The sun is shining, I'm pretty much pain free (other then my left knee but I can deal with that), and all seems right with the world :)

Had a wonderful breakfast yesterday with a couple of old friends and workmates. Always nice to talk about sales processes and gossip with you guys :) Far better then talking about being sick.

Nothing much else to say... just hope this peaceful, contented feeling lasts a while longer.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Post Houston Update March 9th 2010

Dad and I got back from a week in Houston last night. Overall this trip was much better then the first time, primarily because I wasn't as sick as I was the first time. I'll cut to the chase and give you the update and prognosis:

The doctor believes the treatment is having an effect on the cancer. The overall impression is mixed. There are some places where the cancer is less severe, such as the primary tumor in my presacral area, which has shrunk significantly. There are some places where the cancer is stable, and there are some places where there is new cancer. There are more places where the cancer is less severe and stable then there are places where there is new cancer. My previous prognosis was three to six months, without treatment. My current prognosis is 18 to 24 months, and will probably increase since I had a second treatment. So overall, things are going in the right direction.

I am not jumping for joy. I am far more stoic and sober about this then I am jubilant. This is a very serious aggressive disease which is not going to go away quietly. Two years is far better then six months, but it's still two years, not the so called 'rest of my life' whatever that means (although there is a major part of me who thinks the whole prognosis thing is full of shit; I didn't believe it when they told me I had six months and I don't believe it when they tell me I have two years. I think I'll be around a lot longer. But what do I know?) What I do know is that I intend to spend the rest of my life making a difference, being around people I love and who love me, and having a fucking good time for as long as I can. In short, the same as I was before I went to Houston :)

If you have any questions about the above, please send me an e-mail and I'll get back to you some time before Columbus Day :)