Friday, June 4, 2010

Short Update June 4th 2010

Hi. A lot has happened since last I updated. I think all of you know by now I had two major brain surgeries at the beginning of May. It is still hard for me to use the computer in an active way (for instance, typing). Although my eyesight is much better (my eye actually opens and I can actually see), I'm still basically operating with one eye most of the time. That's harder then it sounds, even for someone like me who operated with one eye due to myopia most of his life. In addition, I've lost some of my small motor coordination due to where one of the tumors was. This affects my ability to type, among other things, but I'm told it will get better. Finally, it's hard to hold my head up because of the surgical scar from the nape of my neck to the scalp. All of these things have made it hard to update.

I am feeling better but I am very tired. I did two sessions of radiation therapy last week and it made me so tired I asked the doctor to postpone it until I got stronger, so I will restart this coming Monday.

Thats all for now. Thanks so much for all your good wishes.