Sunday, February 28, 2010

Houston Tomorrow Update February 28 2010

As many of you know I'll be off to Houston tomorrow for a week to get the second high dose radiation treatment. I'll know more about my overall prognosis as well and I'll post what I can, when I can, over the week I am there.

I have been in overwhelming pain much of the time lately and I'm feeling quite discouraged. I hope the prognosis is hopeful, but the future doesn't really matter when one is in pain constantly. Thanks for your support and good wishes.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update February 16 2010

I want to give you all a short update to let you know what's been going on.

Since last we spoke I have been in a lot of pain. I had a brutal sinus infection (which apparently also spread to my ears as well). Fortunately after going to see the Ear Nose & Throat specialist last week and being prescribed a pretty hardcore anti-biotic, that has pretty much gone away. The anti-biotic unfortunately had its own side effects, which included causing a lot of stomach and abdominal pain. I'm not sure if I am allergic to something in the anti-biotic, or whether the stomach and abdominal side effects exacerbated my crone's disease; but I started having a lot of arthritic type pain about the time I started taking the medication. Consequently I have been in extreme pain for about a week now. The pain has primarily been in my right arm and elbow. Even though I am left handed, I do a lot of things with my right arm and doing anything has caused me excruciating pain. As you can imagine typing was not easy so I didn't even try.

I'm feeling somewhat better today (obviously since I'm typing) and going to see my arthritis specialist today so he can give me an idea of what I need to do. As many of you know I'll be going back to Houston on March 1st so it's imperative I'm pain free (or pain tolerant) when I go. I'll also be in San Francisco this weekend (G-d willing) so it would be nice to feel like somewhat of a regular human being again.

This last series of events has made me so discouraged, I can't even begin to express it. I am a strong person and I persevere no matter what, but it's hard to be strong when you can't move due to pain. Those of you who are healthy can't imagine what it's like for people who are in chronic pain or deal with chronic health issues. It's discouraging and depressing.