Thursday, October 16, 2008

Glorious Red Sox Win Update October 16th 2008

What an absolutely perfect way to end what turned into a great day - Never Underestimate The Heart of a Champion!!! Sox win, we're going back to Tampa and we're going to the Series!!!

OK, let me come down now and tell you about what's been going on.

Today was a truly great day, for many reasons. First, I feel better then I have in a long time, probably since I got back from New Jersey in August. It seems as though my body has begun to adjust to the Standostatin and so I will be going up again on the dose this weekend. I'll skip chemo this coming week to focus on getting on a regular dose of Standostatin, and then have chemo again a week from this Monday. 

I was able to get out today and enjoy the weather and the outdoors. I went to Santa Monica and had a great time window shopping and having lunch. I am going to try to get out again tomorrow. 

This disease has made me realize that the little things I used to take for granted are in fact a huge deal, and those things I thought were really important are not so important. 

There is a Yiddish story about a man who goes to see his rabbi. "Rabbi, you must help me," the man said. "I cannot live in my house anymore. I have my wife, my two daughters, and my oldest daughter's husband living in a one room house. I haven't any room to breathe!"

The rabbi paused for a moment. "Do you have chickens?" he asked the man. 
"Why, yes," said the man.
"Bring them into your house," the rabbi said. "Come back again tomorrow."

The next day, the man returned.

"I don't mean to question your judgement, rabbi," said the man, "but your advice, I don't understand. Now I have feathers all over my house. This morning I was awakened before the sun came up by a rooster next to my bed! I have less room then before! Tell me, whatever shall I do?"

"Do you have goats?" the rabbi asked.
"Yes, three of them," said the man.
"Bring them into your house."
"But rabbi - "
"Did you not come to me for counsel? Bring them into your house! Come back again tomorrow."

The next day, the man was back.

"Rabbi, this is impossible, I can't take it anymore!"

The rabbi looked the man in the eye.

"Put the goats and the chickens out of your house. Do it as soon as you can."

Again, the man returned the following day, with a big grin on his face.

"Rabbi, rabbi, you are so wise! Now I have all the room I need! No more goats, no more feathers. Just my wife, my daughters, and my daughter's husband. My house is now a paradise!"

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